Summer Beauty Tips

Waterproof Water- Waterproof mascara is a must during the hot summer months.

Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber 

Minimum Product- works best in the hottest months of the year. Layering products however will help your makeup last all day. For example put on a thin layer of matte eye shadow before putting on the top color. For example wear tinted moisturizer instead of foundation or lip balm instead of lip gloss. A minimal look like Selena Gomez's could be tinted moisturizer, mascara, blush, and lip balm.

Leave-in Conditioner- is a plus for the summer months. It's also nice to avoid straighteners and blow driers. Try some cute sometime hairdos. Experiment with braids and barrettes. Make your messy hair look intentional.

SPF- Use sunscreen and make sure your lip balm is SPF 15. Lips can get sunburned too.

One thoughts on “Summer Beauty Tips

  1. I completely agree about layering - I use that multilayer tip for eyeshadow all the time to keep it from smudging.


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